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I have been an artist since I could pick up a tool to draw or make art and craft with.  I spend every spare moment I have using my hands to make something, whether that be painting, sculpting, felting, writing, or even Japanese embroidery.  

I have only been exhibiting painted artwork for around 6 years and feel privileged to have had my first exhibited piece purchased by the Janet Holmes a Court private art collection.  I have taken lessons from truly inspirational artists in Western Australia and have also taught some young and aspiring artists too, one winning a scholarship in 2023.

Each piece I make comes from that need to express something from thought, attempting to make that thought into a tangible art piece, which of course is always easier said than done. I am forever experimenting in different styles and techniques, so I am not a niche artist in any way.  I want to explore all mediums and get my hands dirty with it.  I love texture, and most of my paintings are created in such a way that you want to touch it, to feel the textures I have included in the pieces. Adding a 3D effect with texture or sculpted elements I suppose comes from my sculpting days, and my passion of bringing desirability to a traditional 2D surface.  I want the work to jump out at you and talk to you, asking you to touch it, feel the textures, examine it, talk about it, and most of all enjoy it as part of your viewing experience.  

This year I have been experimenting with pastels, as they can be layered again and again to create a realistic image that is quite fascinating.  But even after doing half a dozen realistic paintings in pastel, I started my own new artistic variant of just white on black, raw rather than refined, with just a splash of colour.  I just love the effect and will continue on this theme for a while I think.

When I look back at my childhood living in Wales I now realise that my family have a long history of visual artists (gweledol arlunydd).  Having travelled extensively throughout my life I have been lucky enough to see art, architecture, beautiful and inspiring places and people, all of which have shaped me and my art.  Life is our canvas to work on each and every day.

West Australian Artist

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